These Lighting Tips Are Incredibly Helpful For Indoor Portrait Photography!
When it comes to indoor portrait photography, many think that they must have a home photo studio with expensive tools and gear to shoot great photos.
Although, indoor portrait photography could be very challenging, but luckily you can achieve great results without spending too much on pricey equipment.
This amazing article shows you some amazing tips on how to use only one lens and natural light for indoor portrait photography.
Read through this and let us know about your valuable thoughts!
01 Use window light
Place your subject close to a window to make the most of any available natural light – this will generally give more flattering results than flash-lit shots.
02 A little reflection
A reflector is invaluable for filling in shadows on faces. Position it on the opposite side of your subject to the window, and slightly below them to reflect light back onto their features.
03 Go prime
A focal length of around 85mm is the classic choice for portraits; wide-angle lenses can contort facial features when shooting up close, while telephoto lenses are impractical. If you’re using a crop-sensor camera, then a using a prime lens like Canon’s budget EF 50mm f/1.8 lens will give you an effective focal length of 80mm and has a wonderfully wide f/1.8 aperture.
04 Use a wide aperture
When shooting indoors, set Aperture Priority mode and select a wide aperture (such as f/2.8 or greater). This will not only allow you to make the most of the lower light levels, but will also give you a shallow depth of field that will help your subjects stand out from cluttered backgrounds.
05 Up the ISO
To avoid camera shake, you need to select a shutter speed of at least ‘one over’ the effective focal length – so for 85mm you’d need 1/100 sec or faster. Shooting indoor portrait photography in low light will mean you’re likely to need to shoot at ISO 800 or 1600 to obtain a good shutter speed. While higher ISOs mean more image noise, this is very well controlled in most recent DSLRs, and a little noise is far preferable to a shaky shot.
Well, there’s more tips. Go ahead and read all of them at DigitalCameraWorld.com!
Article Source: Indoor portrait photography: 10 tips for using only one lens and natural light